4 min readDec 25, 2020

Joseph Arridy, 23 years old, falsely accused, wrongfully convicted, and unjustifiably executed in January 6, 1939 in Cañon City, Colorado, U.S. for the 1936 rape and murder of Dorothy Drain, a 15-year-old girl in Pueblo, Colorado. And the story repeats itself, people in power and with authority were able to coerce him into making a false confession, although it was visibly known he suffered severe mental disability.

Arridy was late to start talking as a boy and never spoke in sentences of more than a few words. After he attended one year at elementary school, his principal told his parents to keep him at home, saying that wasn't able to learn. Arridy…


I'm very passionate about criminology and psychology, also quite open with my thoughts on injustices as well as general interesting stories.